(a)   The Designated City Official may inspect a rental unit to determine compliance with applicable state and local laws either:
      (1)   On an annual or periodic basis, or
      (2)   With the permission of the Property Owner, or agent of the Property Owner, or
      (3)   With the permission of the tenant or occupant, or
      (4)   At any other time authorized by law.
   (b)   Such inspection shall be as authorized by the statutes of the State and the Ordinances of the City, and as limited by the Federal and State Constitutions with respect to unreasonable searches and seizures.
   (c)   The City is authorized to obtain a search warrant to conduct an inspection permitted by this Section when probable cause to believe that a fire or health hazard or violation or unsafe building condition is present on the premises sought to be inspected. A search warrant is not authorized based solely upon the failure of a Property Owner to allow an inspection under this Section.
   (d)   In the case of an existing emergency entry may be made at any time, and no search warrant is necessary. No person shall refuse to permit such emergency entry or inspection.
(Ord. 2021-08. Passed 1-18-21.)