In any district, each occupied premises not used exclusively for a residence, and its accessory uses, shall be provided with adequate space on its site for the loading and unloading of trucks and commercial vehicles serving the premises.
   (a)   Multifamily and Community Business and Office Districts.
      (1)   Multifamily Districts. One loading bay is required. See Section 1164.11 for further loading requirements in Multifamily Districts.
      (2)   Community Business and Office Districts. One loading bay located near the rear entrance of the main building is required.
   (b)   General Requirements.
      (1)   Wherever practical, access driveways to such loading-unloading spaces shall be so located as to make it unnecessary for vehicles to back into or out of public streets in order to reach such spaces.
      (2)   Streets, sidewalks, alleys or other public rights of way or other public property shall not be used for loading purposes, nor shall vehicles being loaded be parked on such areas during loading and unloading.
      (3)   No part of any off-street parking area, or access drive thereto, shall be used for loading or unloading purposes.
      (4)   The Building Commissioner shall administer the requirements of this subsection in such a manner as to eliminate, as far as practical, congestion and interference with vehicles and pedestrian traffic on public streets.
      (5)   The Board of Zoning Appeals may modify or waive these requirements in the case of an office building, theater or other occupancy of similar trucking requirements.
         (Ord. 96-61. Passed 4-21-97.)