The required number of off-street parking spaces for each facility or use shall be determined by application of the following schedule of standards. For a use not specified in this schedule, the Board of Zoning Appeals shall apply the standard for a specified use which the City Planning Commission determines to be most similar to the proposed use.
A.   Residential Uses
1.   Detached and attached single-family dwellings and townhouses.
Two (2) per dwelling unit, with a minimum of two (2) per dwelling unit in a private garage.
2.   Multifamily
Two (2) per dwelling unit, with a minimum of one (1) per dwelling unit in a private or community garage.
B.   Office, Professional Services Uses
1.   Office building and nonretail Class A and B
One (1) space per 200 square feet of floor area.
2.    Funeral home
One (1) space per 150 square feet of floor area.
3.    Office planned unit development
One (1) space per 750 square feet of floor area of main and accessory buildings, exclusive of non-habitable, non-office or non-working areas, such as halls, stairs, closets, mechanical rooms and lavatories.
C.   Retail/Service Uses
1.   Retail use on ground or basement floor.
One (1) space per 200 square feet of floor area.
2.   Retail use on any floor above ground floor.
One (1) space per 250 square feet of floor area.
3.   Restaurants - table service; bars; taverns; nightclubs.
One (1) space per 50 square feet of floor area, or one (1) space for every three (3) seats, whichever is greater.
4.   Restaurants - counter service when located in a shopping center.
Ten (10) spaces, or one (1) space per 50 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
5.   Restaurants - counter service when located as the only use in a free-standing building.
Forty (40) spaces or one (1) space per 50 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater.
6.   Hotels.
One (1) space per room and one (1) space per employee; based on maximum number of employees typically employed at such a facility similar in size and operation to the facility for which approval is sought; and, twenty (20) spaces per 1,000 square feet of meeting and/or banquet/conference area.
D.   Automotive Uses
1.   Gasoline, oil filling and service stations.
One (1) space per 200 square feet of station floor area and one (1) space per two (2) employees.
E.   Recreation Uses
1.   Places of public assembly and theaters.
One (1) space per four (4) seats.
2.   Public libraries and museums operated not for profit
One (1) space for each employee plus one (1) space for each 100 square feet of public floor area.
3.   Golf courses
Eight (8) spaces for each green.
4.   Tennis courts
Four (4) spaces for each court.
5.   Swimming pools
One (1) space for each 50 square feet of pool and deck area.
F.   General Commercial and Industrial Uses
1.   Newspaper and job printing services.
One (1) space per employee.
G.   Educational Facilities
1.   Elementary and junior high schools
One (1) space for each two (2) staff members plus one (1) space per eight (8) seats in an auditorium.
2.   High schools
One (1) space for each two (2) staff members plus one (1) for each two (2) seats in a classroom based on planned classroom capacities plus any auditorium regulations which are applicable.
3.   Trade and vocational schools, colleges and universities
One (1) space for each two (2) employees plus one (1) space for each eight (8) seats in a classroom based on planned classroom capacity.
H.   Community Facilities
1.   Churches
One (1) space per four (4) seats in the main worship hall.
I.   Child Day Care
1.   Child care institutions, including type-A day care homes and child day care centers
One (1) space for each staff member plus one (1) space for each four (4) children.
J.   Family or Group Homes
One (1) space for each staff member plus four (4) additional spaces for visitors.
K.   Assisted Living
One (1) space per each two (2) units of four (4) beds plus one (1) space per each administrative staff member plus one (1) space per every three (3) other employees.>
(Ord. 2003-62. Passed 12-29-03; Ord. 2007-32. Passed 8-6-07.)