(a)   Parking Space Dimensions. Each off-street parking space, open or enclosed, shall have an area of not less than 180 square feet (nine feet by twenty feet), exclusive of access drives and parking aisles.
   (b)   Circulation Aisles. All spaces shall provide adequate access by means of circulation aisles or maneuvering lanes. Backing directly onto a street shall be prohibited. All circulation aisles shall permit only one-way traffic movement, except that the 90-degree pattern may permit two-way movement. The minimum width of circulation aisles shall follow these standards.
0 - 30 Degrees
12 Ft.
45 Degrees
13 Ft.
60 Degrees
18 Ft.
75 Degrees
20 Ft.
90 Degrees
24 Ft.
   (c)   Waiting Space Dimensions for Drive-Through Facilities. A minimum of 60 feet is required from the service window to the right-of-way. In addition, a minimum of five 200 square foot spaces (10 feet by 20 feet) must be provided in a single lane before the service window. Each drive-through lane (or queuing lane) shall be a separate lane from the circulation lanes necessary for entering or exiting the property. Drive-through lanes shall be distinctly marked by special striping (pavement markings) to ensure that access to parking spaces or exits is not adversely affected.
(Ord. 96-61. Passed 4-21-97.)