Permanent banners on flag poles shall be permitted only in the community business district on property under a single ownership exceeding five (5) acres in area, and having at least 600 foot frontage on a single public right of way, and having at least ten (10) businesses, and only in accordance with the following standards:
   (a)   A permit issued by the Building Department shall be required prior to the installation of any flag pole banner. Applications for flag pole banner permits shall be submitted to the building department on forms provided by the Building Department. The application for a permit must include the written consent of the property owner and flag pole owner.
   (b)   Only two-sided vertical banners mounted to a single flag pole shall be permitted. Horizontal banners extending between two flag poles shall not be permitted.
   (c)   No flag pole shall be permitted in the public right of way, and the top must be not more than twenty-five (25) feet above grade.
   (d)   Banners shall be permitted for a maximum total period of one (1) year. Applicants must re-apply for a new permit for each calendar year, which will require a new permit to be issued by the Building Department.
   (e)   Applicants must have a facility, operation or function located on the site for which a banner is requested. Banners shall be permitted only along the street frontage of the property owner.
   (f)   A property owner shall be allowed to erect one flag pole for every five (5) acres of property area.
   (g)   Banners shall be canvas or cloth and shall not exceed thirty (30) inches in width nor eighty-four (84) inches in height. The bottom of banners shall be at a minimum height of ten (10) feet above grade.
   (h)   Banners shall be attached to flag poles using a flexible support system that provides wind-load relief. The support system must be of a type approved by the owner of the flag pole. If banners are removed for a period of more than six (6) months, the mounting system must be removed.
   (i)   Installation of banners shall be performed by a qualified contractor authorized by both the City and flag pole owner to perform such work. Installations shall be performed during non-peak traffic times as authorized by the City.
   (j)   The Architectural Board of Review reserves the right to approve the support system, message and image content of all banners. Banners may only provide identification regarding the approved business and/or institutional use.
   (k)   Applicants shall be responsible for the continued maintenance of banners. The City may, at any time, order banners that are damaged or in disrepair to be replaced or removed. The City may remove banners that are unsightly or are determined to be hazardous.
   (l)   A maximum of one (1) banner shall be permitted on any flag pole
   (m)   City approval of banners is separate from appoval by the flag pole owner.
      (Ord. 2010-77. Passed 12-6-10.)