The Ohio Fire Code, as adopted in Section 1501.01, is hereby amended as follows:
Sprinkler Equipment Required. In buildings hereafter erected, approved automatic sprinkler equipment shall be installed and maintained as follows:
      (1)   Except in single and two-family dwellings, all rooms in all buildings over 2 stories high or over 35 feet in height, as measured from the lowest exposed portion of the building, whichever is less, including common locker rooms but not individual locker rooms within suites, shall be provided with a sprinkler system connected to the building's water supply. In the case of storage or locker rooms with divided compartments, each locker or compartment shall be provided with one sprinkler head supplied from a water main not less than 1 inch in diameter, with the main size increased as may be required for larger    than average installations and as approved by the Fire Chief. In no case, however, shall such sprinkler heads be spaced more than 12 feet apart. However, buildings which are of Class 1B fireproof construction under the Ohio Building Code (masonry-steel-concrete) and which have suites which are compartmentalized by 8-inch masonry walls, concrete floors and fire doors, shall have approved smoke detectors in all suites in the bedroom areas, with photoelectric detectors in the hallways which shall not be more than 60 feet apart. The photoelectrical detectors in the hallways must be connected to the Fire Department. Further, standpipes shall be erected during the construction of the building and at least one standpipe must be usable at the highest point of construction.