All plans and drawings required to be filed with the Building Commissioner shall be drawn on paper or cloth in ink or by some process that will not fade or obliterate, to a scale of not less than one-fourth of an inch to the foot, except as otherwise provided in Section 1353.02. All distances, heights, dimensions, thicknesses and sizes of walls, supporting members, structural parts and openings, shall be accurately figured and drawings made accurate and complete, and shall show the following information:
   (a)   The size, weight per foot, span and type of all iron and steel beams and columns or other structural members.
   (b)   The size, span and direction of joists under each room.
   (c)   A cross-sectional plan of a typical wall, showing specifications of footings, walls, joists and rafters.
   (d)   Full specifications of fireproofing in attached garages, including type of door, fire wall, ceiling and side walls.
   (e)   In the case of apartments, commercial buildings or other structures involving steel or concrete construction, the applicant shall, upon request of the Building Commissioner, furnish, at such applicant's own expense, a report from a licensed structural engineer. This report shall bear such engineer's signature and shall state that the steel or concrete construction has been checked and each member found to be of adequate strength to safely carry the loads imposed. The Building Commissioner may, at his or her discretion, accept such report from the licensed structural engineer who designed the construction. The engineer's report shall be accompanied by a set of plans which shall by date, number or other designation be identified as the particular set of plans referred to in the report. The report herein referred to may be included with the report, where required, which covers the design of exterior and bearing walls, as provided for in subsection (f) hereof.
   (f)   The construction of exterior and bearing walls shall be in accordance with the best engineering practice. Application for a permit to construct a building over two and one-half stories high shall be accompanied by a signed report from a licensed structural engineer, which report shall state that all exterior and bearing walls are designed to safely carry all loads and to resist all stresses recognized as standard, for the particular use for which the building is intended. The above report may be included with the report, where required, which covers the structural steel or concrete design as provided for in subsection (e) hereof.
      (Ord. 3260. Passed 6-19-39.)