No person shall work, or order, direct, allow or permit another to work for him or her, in the construction or maintenance of any building or structure in the City, including construction, erection, alteration, demolition, excavation or repair of, in or about any building, structure or appurtenance in the City, so as to create any noise or odor which can be perceived from the grounds of adjoining premises, unless such work is performed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on any day. Such work shall not be permitted on Sundays or legal holidays except that construction or other such activities may be performed on or about a private residence on Sundays or official holidays so long as the noise from such activity is kept at a minimum so as not to unreasonably disturb other residents of the City.
(Ord. 92-15. Passed 2-3-92.)