(a)   For purposes of this chapter, those persons, as defined in this chapter, who engage in painting resident addresses on curbs are hereby deemed to be solicitors. Further, the definition of "solicit" as set forth herein shall hereby specifically include the service of painting addresses on curbs within the City.
   (b)   Any and all persons engaging in the activity of painting addresses on curbs within the City shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to, the license requirements set forth in Section 755.02 and the penalty provisions of Section 755.99.
   (c)   The Chief of Police, or his or her nominee, is hereby authorized and directed to promulgate rules for the regulation of this activity, which rules shall include provisions for the registration with the City of persons engaged in such activity; for the size and coloring of the numerals; for monitoring the locations painted so as to prohibit abuses such as repainting the same locations in the same season; and for the revocation of permits or licenses upon violation of the rules promulgated.
(Ord. 90-52. Passed 7-2-90.)