10-1-8: RATES:
   A.   Established: Rates for water service from the town municipal system shall be established and/or amended by resolution of the town council. Such water rates set by said resolution(s) may include a flat base rate with a monthly base water rate and/or graduated usage rates for water usage beyond a specified base rate.
   B.   Service Outside Town Limits: The town is authorized to enter into water service agreements with water service customers whose lands lie outside the corporate limits of the town. Said service agreements, which shall be memorialized by resolution of the town council, shall specify the rate or rates charged to the extraterritorial service, which may be up to three (3) times the rate of in town users. Nothing in this section shall require a single rate to be established for all extraterritorial users, so long as any variance in such water rates is not otherwise violative of the law.
   C.   Rates Effective: All rates in effect at the enactment of this section shall continue until amended by resolution of the town council. (Ord. 2017-05, 2-2-2017)