(A)   All permanent electrical facilities shall be installed underground.
   (B)   All new distribution facilities shall be installed so that they are capable of being looped.
   (C)   Luverne Municipal Electric Utility hereby reserves the right to install temporary or emergency facilities in the most economical manner using accepted engineering principles and practices.
      (1)   All primary cable shall be installed at a minimum depth of 40 inches and a maximum depth of 72 inches.
      (2)   All secondary services shall be installed at a minimum depth of 16 inches and a maximum depth of 24 inches.
   (D)   To preserve easements and right of ways, Luverne Municipal Electric Utility encourages joint trench with communication facilities in as much as feasible. Luverne Municipal Electric Utility will work with all communication providers in planning and installation of facilities. Luverne Municipal Electric Utility shall invoice the communication provider for trenching, handling and other labor involved in joint trenching.
   (E)   To comply with N.E.S.C. rule 350.F, all above ground metallic power and communications apparatus (pedestals, terminals, apparatus cases, transformer and switch cabinets cases, and the like) shall be separated by a distance of six feet or more.
(Ord. 18, Fourth Series, effective 6-24-2021)