This section is intended to provide the community fair and equitable grading practices and shall not supersede the requirements of any other ordinance or code.
   (A)   Protection of utilities. Public utilities or services shall be protected from damage caused by grading or excavation operations.
   (B)   Protection of adjacent property. Adjacent properties shall be protected from damage by grading operations. No person shall excavate on land sufficiently close to the property line to endanger any adjoining public street, sidewalk, alley or other public or private property, without supporting and protecting the property from damage that might result.
   (C)   Inspection notice. The Code Official shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the start of work.
   (D)   Temporary erosion control. Precautionary measures necessary to protect adjacent watercourses and public or private property from damage by water erosion, flooding or deposition of mud or debris originating from the site shall be put in effect. Precautionary measures shall include provisions of properly designed sediment control facilities so that other properties are not affected by erosion from run off.
   (E)   Traffic control and protection of streets. Flaggers, signs, barricades and other safety devices to ensure adequate safety when working in or near public streets shall be provided. All work on public ways and streets shall be approved by the city’s Street Department prior to commencing work.
   (F)   Hazard from existing grading. Whenever any existing excavation, embankment or fill has become a hazard to life or limb, endangers structures or adversely affects the safety, use stability of a public way or drainage area, the excavation, embankment or fill shall be eliminated.
   (G)   Tracking of dirt onto public streets. Adequate cleaning of equipment to prevent the tracking of dirt and debris onto public streets shall be provided.
   (H)   Maintenance of waterways and drainage areas. Precautionary measures to protect and maintain the flow of waterways and drainage areas shall be taken.
   (I)   Revegetation. The loss of trees, ground cover and topsoil shall be minimized on any grading project. In addition to mechanical methods of erosion control, graded areas shall be protected to the extent practical from damage by erosion by planting grass or ground cover plants and/or trees. The plantings shall provide for rapid, short-term coverage of the slopes as well as long-term permanent coverage. A plan by a registered design professional shall be provided where required by the Code Official.
   (J)   Design standards. The grading design standards required shall be those found in nationally recognized standards.
(Prior Code, § 11.20)