(A)   I-1: Limited Industrial. The purpose of this district is to designate sufficient land for industrial development, to provide for expansion of the city’s tax base and accommodate needed employment. Only industrial developments which do not adversely affect adjacent business or residential districts are intended to be allowed. Industrial establishments should be either:
      (1)   Ones whose operations are relatively free from objectionable influences; or
      (2)   One whose objectionable features will be obviated by design or appropriate devices. In the interest of general health and welfare, residential and certain institutional uses are not intended to be permitted within this district.
   (B)   Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted within the I-1 Limited Industry District:
      (1)   Manufacturing. Any light manufacturing use or process including repairs, assembling, fabricating, altering, converting, finishing, processing, treating, testing, packaging or bottling; except any use or process hereinafter specifically excluded or which would not be in keeping with the purpose of the district as stated above. The determination shall be made by the Zoning Administrator upon review of the building permit application; and
      (2)   Warehousing, storage and wholesaling. The storage, handling, assembly and distribution of goods and materials for retail, wholesale or on-site use.
   (C)   Conditional uses. The following uses may be allowed in the I-1 Limited Industry District, subject to the provisions of §§ 153.035 through 153.041 of this chapter:
      (1)   General. Any permitted use in the I-2 District; provided that, any objectionable features normally associated with these uses, such as those deemed to be hazardous, offensive or objectionable by reason of odor, dust, cinders, gas fumes, noise, vibration, radiation, refuse matter or water-carried
waste, shall be treated, controlled or eliminated through design, mechanical devices, screen planting or walls or other measures as specified by the Planning Commission; and, provided that, the use and its day to day activity will not be hazardous, noxious or offensive;
      (2)   Heavy commercial/industrial. Other heavy commercial or industrial uses as determined appropriate by the City Planning Commission; and
      (3)   Residential. Dwellings for business owners and their families and such sleeping and boarding accommodations as are customarily incidental and necessary to a permitted use. Additions to existing buildings may be authorized where the number of families or the number of lodging accommodations is not increased.
   (D)   Accessory uses. The following uses are permitted only when auxiliary to a principal use permitted above; they may not exist as principal uses in their own stead:
      (1)   Any accessory use, building or structure customarily incidental to a principal use permitted above, and located on the same lot therewith;
      (2)   Specialized freight and yard equipment, private utility structures, secondary processing structures and similar specialized structures;
      (3)   Parking and loading facilities as regulated herein; and
      (4)   Signs as regulated herein.
   (E)   Special district provisions.
      (1)   Landscaping. All open areas of any site, lot, tract or parcel shall be graded to provide proper drainage, and except for areas used for parking, drives or storage, shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs or planted ground cover. It shall be the owner’s responsibility to see that this landscaping is maintained in an attractive and well-kept condition. All adjacent vacant lots, tracts or parcels under the same ownership shall also be properly maintained.
      (2)   Storage. All raw materials, supplies, finished or semifinished products and equipment shall be stored in an orderly manner with all materials stored in neat and well organized stacks, piles or other orderly method appropriate for the material. In no event shall junk, rubbish, debris, weeds or tall grass, by-products, salvage and inoperable equipment or any other material or matter not used in the normal course of business be allowed to accumulate, or become offensive in any manner, to any measurable degree whatsoever. The Council may require all raw materials, supplies, finished or semi-finished products and equipment shall be stored within a completely enclosed building or within the confines of a 100% opaque wall or fence not less than five feet high; provided, however, that, motor vehicles necessary to the operation of the principal use and of not more than three-quarter ton capacity may be stored within the permitted parking lot areas.
      (3)   Screening. All principal, accessory and conditional uses, except business signs, which are situated within 50 feet of a residential district, shall be screened and buffered from such district by a separation of open space which shall have a minimum depth of 30 feet and shall include a required fence or vegetation screening of not less than 90% opacity and not less than five feet nor more than seven feet in height above the level of the residential district property at the district boundary. Walls or fences of less heights or planting screens may be permitted by the Board of Adjustment, if there is a finding that the nature of extent of the use being screened is such that a lesser degree of screening will as adequately promote and protect the use and enjoyment of the properties within the adjacent residential district, or there is a finding that a screening of the type required by this chapter would interfere with provisions of adequate amounts of light and air to same properties. Loading docks in the I-1 District shall be screened so as not to be visible from any public street right-of-way within a residential district. All required screening devices shall be designed so that they are architecturally harmonious with the principal structures on the site and they shall be properly maintained so as not to become unsightly, hazardous or less opaque than when originally constructed.
   (F)   General regulations. Additional requirements for dimensional, signs, parking and other regulations in the I-1 Limited Industry District are set forth in this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 11.09)