(A)   The full width of the right-of-way shall be graded, including the subgrade of the areas to be paved, in accordance with standards and specifications for road construction as approved by the Council.
   (B)   All streets to be improved with pavement in accordance with the standards and specifications for street construction as approved by the Council.
   (C)   All streets to be paved shall be of an overall width in accordance with the standards and specifications for street construction as approved by the Council.
   (D)   Curb and gutter shall be constructed as required by the standards and specifications for street construction as approved by the Council.
   (E)   Trees shall be planted in conformance with the standards and specifications as approved by the Council.
   (F)   Street signs of the standard design approved by the Council shall be installed at each street intersection.
   (G)   Sidewalks, as required by city code.
(Prior Code, § 12.25) (Ord. 149, New Series, effective 1-17-1975; Ord. 117, Third Series, effective 12-12-1991)