§ 152.55 GENERAL.
   (A)   Before a final plat is approved by the Council, the subdivider of the land covered by the plat shall execute and submit to the Council an agreement, which shall be binding on his, her or their heirs, personal representatives and assigns, that he or she will cause no private construction to be made on the plat or file or cause to be filed any application for building permits for the construction until all improvements required under this chapter have been made or arranged for in the manner following as respects the highways, roads or streets to which the lots sought to be constructed have access.
   (B)   No final plat shall be approved by the Council without first receiving a report from the City Engineer or other engineer retained by the Council certifying that the improvements described herein, together with the agreements and documents herein, meet the minimum requirements of applicable city code provisions.
   (C)   Steel monuments shall be placed at all block corners, angle points, points of curves in streets and at intermediate points as shown on the final plat. All United States, state, county or other official benchmarks, monuments or triangulation stations in or adjacent to the property shall be preserved in precise position.
   (D)   No plat shall be approved for any subdivision which covers an area within the floodplain unless the subdivider:
      (1)   Agrees to meet all floodplain zoning provisions and other floodplain regulations;
      (2)   Makes improvements which will assure that each lot contains a flood-free site for location of a dwelling;
      (3)   Designs roads so that the finished surface is not more than two feet below the regulatory flood protection elevation;
      (4)   Locates or designs public utilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems to provide protection to the regulatory flood protection elevation; and
      (5)   Files restrictive deed covenants to provide that the floodplain areas be left essentially in the state shown on the plat and that no improvements be made in the floodplain areas in violation of §§ 153.075 through 153.089 of this code of ordinances.
   (E)   All the required improvements to be installed under the provisions of this chapter shall be inspected during the course of their construction by the City Engineer or other engineer retained by the Council. All the inspection costs pursuant thereto shall be paid by the subdivider or individual lot or tract owners.
(Prior Code, § 12.25) (Ord. 180, New Series, effective 1-19-1979)