The people of the City reserve to themselves the power, in accordance with the provisions of this Charter, to initiate and adopt any ordinance, except an ordinance appropriating money or authorizing the levy of taxes, to require such an ordinance when passed by the Council to be referred to the registered voters for approval or disapproval, and to recall elected public officials. These powers shall be called the initiative, the referendum, and the recall, respectively.
Any five registered voters may form themselves into a committee for the initiation of any ordinance except as provided in Section 6.01. Before circulating any petition they shall file a certified copy of their proposed ordinance with the City Administrator together with their names and addresses as members of such committee. They shall also attach a verified copy of the proposed ordinance to each of the signature papers herein described, together with their names and addresses as sponsors therefor.
The petition for the adoption of any ordinances shall consist of the ordinance, together with all signature papers and affidavits thereto attached. Such petition shall not be complete unless signed by fifty registered voters. All the signatures need not be on one signature paper, but the circulator of every such paper shall make an affidavit that each signature appended to the paper is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. Each signature paper shall be in substantially the following form:
Initiative Petition
proposing an ordinance to (stating the purpose of the ordinance), a copy of which ordinance is hereto attached. This ordinance is sponsored by the following committee of registered voters:
Name: Address:
The undersigned registered voters understanding the terms and the nature of the ordinance hereto attached, petition the Council for it's adoption, or, in lieu thereof, for it's submission to the registered voters for their approval.
At the end of the list of signatures shall be appended the affidavit of the circulator mentioned above.