No water from any roof, surface, ground, sump pump, footing tile, swimming pool or other natural precipitation shall be discharged into the sanitary sewerage system. Dwellings and other buildings and structures which require, because of the infiltration of water into basements, crawl spaces and the like, a sump pump system to discharge excess water shall have a permanently installed discharge line which shall not, at any time, discharge water into the sanitary sewerage system, except as provided herein. A permanent installation shall be one which provides for year-round discharge capability to either the outside of the dwelling, building or structure, or is connected to the city storm sewer or discharges through the curb and gutter to the street. It shall consist of a rigid discharge line, without valving or quick connections for altering the path of discharge and, if connected to the city storm sewer line, include a check valve.
(Prior Code, § 3.215) Penalty, see § 10.99