(A)   Pursuant to KRS 227.320, every owner of any parking lot containing space for ten or more vehicles; and every operator of any business served thereby, shall provide a fire lane consisting of an open space immediately adjacent to the building(s) served by the parking lot. The fire lane shall be marked in a manner approved by the City Fire Chief.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to park in or otherwise block the fire lane. The Fire Chief is authorized to have any vehicle that is parked in violation of this section towed at the owner’s expense.
   (C)   Any person who violates this section may also be fined in the amount of $50 for the first offense, $100 for the second offense, and $500 for any additional offense.
   (D)   Any person may contest a citation issued under this section by filing a notice of appeal with the City Clerk within seven days. In the event the citation is appealed, a hearing will be conducted before the Fire Chief within 30 days. If a person fails to file a timely appeal, the citation will be final and the person forfeits any right to appeal and to otherwise contest the contents of the citation.
(Ord. 2023-13, passed 10-12-2023)