(a) If any Wind Energy Turbine is connected to a public utility system for net-metering purposes, it shall meet the requirements for interconnection and operation as set forth in the public utility’s then-current service regulations meeting federal, state, and industry standards applicable to wind power generation facilities, and the connection shall be inspected by the appropriate public utility.
(b) Each Wind Energy Turbine shall be equipped with an automatic braking, governing, or feathering system to prevent uncontrolled rotation, over-speeding, and excessive pressure on the tower structure, rotor blades, and other wind energy components unless the manufacturer certifies that a braking system is not necessary.
(c) A clearly visible warning sign regarding voltage shall be placed at the base of each Wind Energy Turbine tower.
(d) Security measures shall be in place to prevent unauthorized trespass and access. Each Large Wind Energy Turbine shall not be climbable up to fifteen (15) feet above ground surfaces. All access doors to Large Wind Energy Turbines and electrical equipment shall be locked and/or fenced as appropriate, to prevent entry by non-authorized person(s).
(e) The structural integrity of each Wind Energy Turbine shall conform to the design standards of the International Electrical Commission, specifically IEC 61400-1, “Wind Turbine Safety and Design” and/or IEC 61400-2, “Small Wind Turbine Safety,” IEC 61400-22 “Wind Turbine Certification,” and IEC 61400-23 “Blade Structural Testing,” or any similar successor standards.
(Ord. 734. Passed 8-3-11.)