In all Use Districts, a Small Wind Farm shall require a zoning permit. When applying for a zoning permit, applicant shall provide the following:
   (a)   Name of property owner(s), address(es), and parcel number(s).
   (b)   A site plan including maps (drawn to scale) showing the proposed location of all components and ancillary equipment of the Small Wind Farm, property lines, physical dimensions of the property, existing building(s), setback lines, right-of- way lines, public easements, overhead utility lines, sidewalks, non-motorized pathways, roads, and contours. The site plan must also include adjoining properties as well as the location and use of all structures.
   (c)   The proposed type and height of the Wind Energy Turbine(s) to be constructed; including the manufacturer and model, product specifications including maximum noise output (measured in decibels), total rated generating capacity, dimensions, rotor diameter, the total size and depth of the unit’s concrete mounting pad, and a description of ancillary facilities.
   (d)   Documented compliance with the noise requirements set forth in this Ordinance.
   (e)   Documented compliance with applicable local, state, and national regulations including, but not limited to, all applicable safety, construction, environmental, electrical, communications, and FAA requirements.
   (f)   Proof of applicant’s liability insurance.
   (g)   Evidence that the utility company has been informed of the customer’s intent to install an interconnected, customer-owned generator and that such connection has been approved. Off-grid systems shall be exempt from this requirement.
   (h)   A listing and depiction of all safety measures that will be on the unit, including but not limited to anti-climbing devises, grounding devices, and lightning protection.
   (i)   A description of the methods that will be used to perform maintenance on the wind energy turbine and the procedures for lowering or removing the turbine in order to conduct maintenance.
   (j)   Other relevant information as may be reasonably requested.
   (k)   Signature of the applicant.
      (Ord. 734. Passed 8-3-11.)