(a)   No mobile home shall be permitted to locate in the Village of Luckey.
   (b)   In any use district within the Village, provided always that no living quarters shall be maintained nor any business or other activity of a commercial nature shall be conducted in connection therewith while so parked or stored, small utility trailers, boats, boat trailers, vacation trailers, snowmobiles, and recreational vehicles may be parked or stored either:
      (1)   In an enclosed garage or other accessory structure; or
      (2)   To the rear of the front set back line of a dwelling no closer to the lot lines than the set back lines set forth in Chapter 1159, so long as the parking of such a vehicle does not become a nuisance to the neighborhood; or
      (3)   In front of a dwelling for a period of up to seventy-two hours without a permit; or
      (4)   In front of a dwelling for a period not exceeding 120 days in any calendar year by obtaining a permit from the Zoning Inspector. The permit may be cancelled by the Zoning Inspector at any time if the parking of a vehicle becomes a nuisance to the neighborhood.
   (c)   In addition to the foregoing, automobiles, trucks, and motorcycles, in operable condition and having current registration and liability insurance (as required by law for the operation thereof on a public roadway), may park in any dedicated parking area as permitted by law. Such vehicles, however, shall not be parked in any such area not properly designated and maintained as such. In no case shall more than five such vehicles per residential unit be permitted to be parked outside of such unit.
   (d)   In an "A Residence" district, a "B Residence" district, or a "C Agricultural" district, the parking of an inoperable and/or disabled motor vehicle of any kind or description for a period of more than seven days shall be prohibited, except that such motor vehicle may be stored in an enclosed garage or other enclosed accessory structure provided that no activity of a commercial nature shall be conducted in connection therewith while such vehicle is parked or stored.
   (e)   In a "D Commercial" district, the parking of inoperable and/or disabled motor vehicle of any kind or description for a period of more than thirty (30) days shall be prohibited, except that such vehicle may be stored in an enclosed garage or other enclosed accessory structure or in an area which is effectively screened on all sides by an acceptably designed wall, fence or planting screen. Such fence, wall or planting screen shall be not less than six feet nor more than eight feet in height and shall be maintained in good condition.
(Ord. 792. Passed 12-12-18.)