All lots shall be graded to carry surface water away from all proposed building sites and to an approved water course or storm sewer. Preliminary lot grading shall be completed at the time of street and utility installation to prevent water ponding on undeveloped lots. Finished grade at building foundation for all structures shall be a minimum of one foot above grade at the sidewalk or front lot line and shall be shown on the site grading plan for each lot. All structures are to be constructed at elevations that conform with Floodplain Regulations.
A grading and drainage plan shall be submitted, showing all existing and proposed storm sewers, manholes, catch basins, water courses, culverts, and other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto, with pipe sizes and grades or waterway openings shown. Topographic contours to one foot shall be shown thereon. The plan shall show the method to be used for adequate disposal of all storm sewer water, including drainage outlets, and shall include a typical lot cross section drawn perpendicular to the street indicating lot grading and such other data as may be required by the Village Engineer. Such plans shall be drawn at a scale not less than 50 feet to the inch.
(Ord. 574. Passed 5-21-97.)