1113.10 LOTS.
   The following regulations shall govern the design and layout of lots:
   (a)   The lot arrangement and design shall be such that all lots will provide satisfactory building sites, properly related to topography and the character of surrounding development.
   (b)   All lots shall conform to, or exceed the requirements of, these Subdivision Regulations and the zoning district requirements for the district in which they are located and the use for which they are intended.
   (c)   Each lot shall front on a public street. The minimum lot area shall be 13,000 square feet, with a minimum width of 90 feet at the front yard setback line. The minimum front yard setback shall be 35 feet as measured from the street right-of-way line.
   (d)   A lot shall not have an average depth which is more than three (3) times its average width, nor shall it have a depth of less than 120 feet.
   (e)   All side lot lines shall be at right angles to street lines and radial to curved street lines, except where the Corrunission decides that a variation to this rule would provide a better layout.
   (f)   Lots with double frontage shall be avoided except where the Corrunission decides that it is essential to provide separation of residential development from arterial streets.
   (g)   No corner lot shall have a width at the building line in each direction of less than that which is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance.
   (h)   Utility easements should generally follow rear lot lines and provide continuous easement to public ways.
      (Ord. 574. Passed 5-21-97.)
Right-of-Way Width (ft.)
Pavement Width (ft.)*
Minimum Stopping Sight Distance (ft.)
   Maximum Grade
   Minimum Grade
Minimum Center Line Radius of Streets with an Angle of Turn Off:
   (1)   Between 80 and 100
50 ft.
   (2)   Less than 80 or More than 100
200 ft.
* Measured from back of curb to back of curb
(Ord. 574. Passed 5-21-97.)