(a)   Any applicant for a permit whose application has been refused, or any person who has been ordered by the Inspector to incur any expenses by reason of the provisions hereof, may appeal to the Board of Township Commissioners by giving to the Building Inspector and the Secretary of the Board of Commissioners notice in writing that he or she does so appeal. If the appeal shall be from an order refusing a permit, it shall be taken within fifteen days from refusal of such permit, and not thereafter. If the appeal is from an order to take down or remove a dangerous building or structure or dangerous wall or walls, it shall be taken within three days from the issuing of such orders, and not thereafter.
   (b)   All cases where appeals have been taken as above provided shall be referred to the Board of Township Commissioners as a Board of Appeal.
   (c)   The Board of Commissioners shall, after a hearing, direct a permit under such conditions, if any, as it may require, or withhold the same or make such other and further order as the Board shall deem proper. The decision of the Building Inspector, unappealed from, shall be final and conclusive in any subsequent proceedings in the matter in question in court or otherwise.
(Ord. 288.  Passed 5-24-54.)