No building may be erected, altered or used, and no lot or premises may be used, for any of the following trades, industries or businesses:
      (1)   Abattoir or slaughterhouse
      (2)   Acetylene gas manufacture
      (3)   Acid manufacture
      (4)   Air fields
      (5)   Ammonia, bleaching powder, or chlorine manufacture
      (6)   Amusement park of any character
      (7)   Arsenal
      (8)   Asphalt manufacture or refining
      (9)   Automobile court
      (10)   Automobile graveyard, junkyard scrap metal, paper, rags or rubber storage
      (11)   Breweries
      (12)   Candle manufacture
      (13)   Cemeteries and extensions thereof
      (14)   Cereal products manufacture
      (15)   Coke oven
      (16)   Commercial hennery
      (17)   Creosote treatment or manufacture
      (18)   Dog kennels
      (19)   Disinfectants manufacture
      (20)   Distillation of bones, coal or wood
      (21)   Dyestuff manufacture
      (22)   Emery cloth and sandpaper manufacture
      (23)   Extermination and insect poison manufacture
      (24)   Fat rendering
      (25)   Fertilizer manufacture
      (26)   Fireworks or explosive manufacture or storage
      (27)   Fish smoking and curing
      (28)   Glue, size or gelatine manufacture
      (29)   Goat farms
      (30)   Lampblack manufacture
      (31)   Match manufacture
      (32)   Mushroom houses
      (33)   Oil cloth or linoleum manufacture
      (34)   Oiled or rubber goods manufacture
      (35)   Ore reduction
      (36)   Paint, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish manufacture
      (37)   Piggeries
      (38)   Plating works
      (39)   Potash works
      (40)   Printing ink manufacture
      (41)   Public dumping ground
      (42)   Pyroxylin manufacture
      (43)   Rubber caoutchouc or gutta percha manufacture or treatment
      (44)   Saltworks
      (45)   Sauerkraut manufacture
      (46)   Shoe blacking manufacture
      (47)   Smelter
      (48)   Soap manufacture
      (49)   Soda and compound manufacture
      (50)   Stockyard
      (51)   Stove polish manufacture
      (52)   Sulphuric, nitric or hydrochloric acid manufacture
      (53)   Tallow, grease or lard manufacture or refining
      (54)   Tanning, curing or storage of leather, rawhides or skins
      (55)   Tar distillation or manufacture
      (56)   Tar roofing or waterproofing manufacture
      (57)   Tents erected for amusement or commercial purposes
      (58)   Tourist cabin
      (59)   Trailer camps and trailers for living purposes
      (60)   Vinegar manufacture
      (61)   Wool pulling or scouring
      (62)   Yeast plant
      (63)   Any other use of a property which the Board of Commissioners shall at any time by ordinance deem to be a nuisance.
(Ord. 404.  Passed 3-25-68.)