Any proposed open area shall be owned in one of the following ways, which shall be approved by the Township Board of Commissioners. The applicant shall submit a statement providing sufficient detail concerning the method of ownership, maintenance procedures and cost. No application shall be approved unless one of the following techniques is utilized:
   (a)   Ownership of the property would be given to the Township of Lower Chichester under a deed restricting the disposition of such property for any other purpose. The applicant shall furnish proof of the acceptance of any such offer, stating the date in terms of acceptance.
   (b)   Ownership of the property may be given to an incorporated non-profit corporation. At least one of the officers of the corporation shall be a resident of the development itself. The articles of incorporation shall provide for the collection of revenues from dues, usage, donations and/or membership charges. Deed restriction shall be recorded stating that the officers of the corporation and/or surrounding property owners shall be responsible for special assessments sufficient to maintain the facilities. The applicants shall furnish proof of the details required by this section, including the articles of incorporation of the non-profit corporation.
(Ord. 404.  Passed 3-25-68.)