(a)   All garbage, ashes, rubbish or trash from places of residence, and from commercial establishments, except as otherwise herein provided, shall be collected by the Township at such times as the Township may determine.
   Commercial establishments may contract with private collectors for the collection of garbage, ashes, rubbish and trash, said collections to be not less frequently than weekly.
(Ord. 435.  Passed 12-20-71.)
   (b)   The fee in 1987 and for each year thereafter for the collection and disposal of garbage, ashes, rubbish and trash collected from each single-family dwelling unit and from each dwelling unit in an apartment shall be sixty-eight dollars ($68.00) per year, payable at the time Township taxes are due, and such fee shall carry the same interest and penalties for late payment.
   Such fee shall be payable by the owner of such unit, and upon failure by the owner to pay such fee, the Township may refuse to continue such collections, may enter into a suit at law against such owner for recovery or may enter a Municipal lien against the property being serviced.
(Ord. 86-9.  Passed 12-22-86.)
   (c)   Collection of garbage, ashes, rubbish and trash from commercial establishments by the Township shall be at rates to be set by resolution adopted by the Township Board of Commissioners.
(Ord. 435.  Passed 12-20-71.)