(a) Whenever any sewer of the Township is completed and ready for use by the public, it shall be the duty of every owner of land abutting on the street, road, alley or highway in which the sewer has been laid to connect with said sewer all buildings on his or her land requiring drainage, and the drain from said buildings shall be cast into said sewer.
(b) If any owner of said land fails, neglects or refuses for thirty days to connect his or her building with said sewer as provided in subsection (a) hereof after notice to do so from the Clerk of the Township Commissioners has been served upon him or her personally or left upon the premises with an adult member of the family residing therein, the said Township may cause the said connection to be made and the costs thereof to be collected from the said owner or from the said property as provided by law. Said remedy shall be in addition to the penalty provided in Section 1042.99.
(Ord. 108. Passed 7-2-20.)