Any person who shall desire to make any opening or excavation in any of the streets, sidewalks, curbs or highways in the Township shall make application to the Township Secretary, in writing, stating the purpose.  Such application shall set forth the name of the applicant, the exact location of the proposed opening or excavation, and the approximate size or depth thereof, and shall contain an agreement on the part of the applicant that the work shall be done in full compliance with the ordinances and regulations of the Township, and that the applicant shall well and truly save, defend and keep harmless the Township from, and indemnify it against, any and all actions, suits, demands, payments, costs and charges for or by reason of the proposed opening or excavation, and all damage to persons or property resulting in any manner therefrom, or occurring in the prosecution of the work connected therewith, or from any other matter, cause or thing relating thereto. 
(Ord. 427.  Passed 8-17-70.)