   (a)   No person shall store, sell, offer for sale or expose for sale at retail or have in his or her possession with the intent to sell or with the intent to use, within the limits of the Township, any air gun, air pistol or spring gun, or any implement that is not a firearm, that impels with force a pellet of any kind.  Used in this section, "at retail" means any sale of less than one dozen of such articles, or any sale to any person of a bona fide dealer therein.
   (b)   Members of the Police Department are hereby authorized to seize, remove and destroy any air gun, air pistol or spring gun, or any implement that is not a firearm, that impels with force a pellet of any kind, which shall be used or discharged within the Township, or which shall be held and possessed in violation of this section.
(Ord. 275.  Passed 7-20-53.)