(a)   It is the expectation of the Township that it will continue this Plan indefinitely, and will from time to time contribute to the Fund such amounts as may be needed to provide the benefits set forth in this Plan.
   (b)   The provisions of any ordinance establishing, amending or maintaining this Plan shall not be a charge on any other fund in the Treasury of the Township or under its control, save the Uniformed Employee's Pension Fund herein provided for.
   (c)   Nothing contained in this Plan shall be held or construed as a contract or guarantee of employment nor to create any liability or guarantee of employment nor to create any liability upon the Township to retain any person in its service.  The Township reserves the full right to discontinue the service of any person without any liability except for salary or wages that may be due and paid, whenever, in its judgment, its best interests so require, and such discontinuance shall be without regard to this Plan.
(Ord. 91-5.  Passed 6-24-91.)