286.07  POLICY.
   It is the policy of the Township to encourage citizens to observe situations where a crime may be in progress and to report such situations to the Police Department for action. It is not the policy of the Township to encourage citizens to take action on their own, to attempt to make arrests or to stop the commission of a crime and apparent crime. The individuals are not Police Officers of the Township and do not have a Police Officer's powers and duties in connection with arresting criminals, serving papers or stopping the commission of a crime. No person taking part in this group shall be considered to be an officer of the Township. Such person shall be doing their duty as citizens to notify law enforcement officers of observed law violations. No pursuit shall be carried and no arrests made or attempted. The Township assumes no responsibility for any action of any such person who is not a Township Police Officer.
(Ord. 2003-10.  Passed 5-19-03.)