(a)   Demolition Permit Required.  Any person, firm, or corporation must first obtain the required certification of a demolition permit from the Village Administrator in accordance with the Village Zoning Inspector.
   (b)   A demolition permit is required to demolish any building or structure or part thereof within the Village limits.  Any building or structures within the Preservation/Historical District shall also have the approval of the Design and Review Board.
   (c)   Demolition of sheds, accessory buildings, and similar structures under 160 sq. ft. shall be exempt from the permit.  The Village Administrator shall have the discretion to waive the permit for small structures over 160 sq. ft.
   (d)   Application.  Application for a certification of demolition shall be made in writing to the Village Administrator.  Each written application shall include the following:
      (1)   Name, address and telephone number of the owner of the structure.
      (2)   Name, address and telephone number of the firm/contractor performing the work.
      (3)   Existing zoning.  (To be filled in by Zoning Inspector).
      (4)   State reason for demolition.
      (5)   Signature of the owner.
   (e)   Prior to the issuance of the demolition permit, the following information shall be provided along with a completed demolition application.
      (1)   Pictures and/or video of structure, sidewalks, driveways, etc., to be removed.
      (2)   The owner and contractor shall be required to comply with all applicable state, local and federal laws and regulations relating to the proposed demolition including but not limited to inspection requirements, and the abatement, removal and disposal of hazardous material.
      (3)   Written copy of the verification from each of the utility companies applicable: electric, gas, telephone, cable or satellite television service, water, and sewer that service has been disconnected at the location.  Additionally, sewer connection(s) shall be properly capped.
      (4)   Certificates of insurance from either the owner or contractor evidencing general liability insurance in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) providing coverage for demolition.  Also, the Village being named an additional insured.
   (f)   The cost of the demolition permit is fifty dollars ($50.00).
   (g)   The permit shall be issued after the completed application has been reviewed by the Administrator and/or Review Board.
   (h)   Upon completion of the demolition of any building or structure, the property shall be backfilled, seeded, mulched and repaired to existing grade within a period not to exceed thirty (30) days.  The Village Administrator may upon good cause shown, grant an extension of time to perform the backfill.  No construction, building, or other non-biodegradable materials shall be backed filled into the site.  Subsection (h) and (i) do not apply if the owner plans on building a new structure on the same area of demolition within the time frame allotted.
   (i)   Foundation(s) of any demolished structures shall be removed to a depth of three (3) feet below the existing grade, and basement floor(s), if any, shall be broken apart, punctured or otherwise demolished to prevent water accumulation.
   (j)   A violation of this ordinance shall be an unclassified misdemeanor and shall be punishable by up to a $1000.00 fine plus court costs. 
(Res. 3955.  Passed 1-9-19.)