Council hereby establishes the following guidelines in determining whether certain claims against the Village, resulting in vehicle damage or personal injuries from road conditions, should be paid or rejected:
(a) In order to consider vehicle damages resulting from road conditions (primarily chuckholes), such conditions must have been reported to proper officials (Mayor's secretary, Police Chief, or Village Administrator) who will make a notation of the time and date reported as well as the exact location and name or names of party making complaints.
(b) The Mayor's secretary will be responsible for filing such a report and bring it to the attention of the Village Administrator.
(c) Upon receipt of such a report, the Administrator will have twenty-four hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) to correct such a hazard.
(d) A further reoccurrence after condition has been rectified will be considered as a new report. If after the expiration of such a period, the condition hasn't been rectified, then the Village will consider any claims against it.
(e) Obstructive objects or debris on streets or roads will be removed within twelve hours of such obstructions being reported including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
(f) The Village will not be held accountable for accidents resulting from weather conditions such as ice, snow, rain, fog, etc.
(g) Accidents occurring on private property such as railroads, tracks are not to be considered.
(h) Only road condition claims conforming with this section will be considered.
(i) To process a claim, three bids must be taken (one at Rogers Automotive corner, Low., one at Goivanni's, Low., and one at a business establishment of the claimant's choice).
(j) The claimant will have repairs made at the lowest and best bidder.
(k) In making adjustments, the Village will take into consideration wear and tear and life remaining of parts such as batteries, tires, etc.)
(Ord. 2144. Passed 8-26-81.)