929.01 FINDINGS.
   (a)   The Village maintains a system of storm and surface water management facilities including, but not limited to, inlets, conduits, manholes, channels, ditches, drainage easements, retention and detention basins, infiltration facilities, and other components as well as natural waterways.
   (b)   The stormwater system in the Village needs regular maintenance and improvements.
   (c)   Water quality is degrading due to erosion and the discharge of nutrients, metals, oil, grease, toxic materials, and other substances into and through the stormwater system.
   (d)   The public health, safety, and welfare is adversely affected by poor ambient water quality and flooding that results from inadequate management of both the quality and quantity of stormwater.
   (e)   All real property in the Village either uses or benefits from the maintenance of the stormwater system.
   (f)   The extent of use of the stormwater system by each property is dependant on factors that influence runoff, including land use and the amount of impervious surface on the property.
   (g)   The costs of improving, maintaining, operating, and monitoring the stormwater system should be allocated, to the extent practicable, to all property owners.
   (h)   Management of the stormwater system to protect the public health, safety, and welfare requires adequate revenues and it is in the interest of the public to finance stormwater management adequately with a user charge system that is reasonable.
(Ord. 3327. Passed 5-16-07.)