Ord. No.   Date   Description
718   3-14-55   Change plat of land between Second and Third Sts. and between East Wood St. and an alley running east and west from Second to Third Sts. from Residential B to Commercial District.
719   3-14-55   Change property of Mrs. C.B. Reed located at rear of 116 W. Wood St. from Residential B to Commercial District.
720   3-14-55   Change parcel on south side of Wood St. and occupied by Torello's Market from Residential B to Commercial District.
721   3-14-55   Change Lot 61 at south east corner of East Wood St. and First St. from Residential B to Commercial District.
722   3-14-55   Change properties on north side of Liberty St. from First lot west of Fourth St. to east line of lots fronting on east side of Sixth St. from Commercial to Residential B District.
733   7-25-55   Change property of Arnold Spinosa at 372 W. Liberty St. from Residential B to Commercial District.
1127   2-26-63   Change properties on both side of Water St. between Third St. and Sixth St. from Commercial to Industrial District.
1139   6-27-63   Change all of Village Lots 508 and 509 and all of Out-Lot 38 and part of Out-Lot 37 from Commercial to Industrial District.
1501   3-23-71   Change Village Lots 220, 221, and 222 on northerly side of Walnut St. from Residential A to Residential C.
1545   1-24-72   Change Village Lot 212 and O.L. 21 from Residential A to Residential C.
1566   6-27-72   Change Village lots 396 and 397 situated north of Westfield Alley between Elizabeth and North Ave. from Residential A to Residential C.
1841   4-27-77   Change Lot 61 of the Nessell Plat containing 1.88 acres of land from Residential B to Commercial District.
2342   10-29-86   Change Village Lot No. 61 from Residential B to Commercial.
2467   7-26-89   Change Village Lot No. 476 from Residential A to Residential C.
2886   2-26-97   Lot Nos. 183, 184, 185, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 205, 206 and Out Lot Nos. 68 and part of 92 from Commercial to Residential C.
2896   5-21-97   Sublot Nos. 341 to 351, 353 to 355, 430 to 438 from Commercial to Residential A.
2897   5-21-97   Sublot Nos. 658 to 670, 693 to 701 from Industrial to Residential C.
2898   5-21-97   Sublots 370 and 371 from Commercial to Residential A.