These large scale retail standards apply to the following districts: PB, B1 and B2. This section shall apply to all retail development which includes one or more structures which individually exceed 25,000 square feet in gross floor area. The purpose of these standards is to provide additional design criteria for large scale retail facilities to ensure safe and efficient vehicle and pedestrian circulation, and protect the general welfare of the community by ensuring that such facilities are consistent in design with, and complimentary to, adjacent land uses and the physical characteristics of the town.
   (A)   Architectural design standards. The architectural design of the structure shall meet the following requirements:
      (1)   Facades and exterior walls. Facades and exterior walls shall generally be articulated to visually reduce the scale of the building and provide visual interest.
         (a)   All buildings shall be designed with a minimum of eight external corners.
         (b)   All front facades between external corners which equal or exceed 200 feet in length shall incorporate wall plane projections or recesses along at least 20% of the their length. All such wall plane projections or recesses should have a depth equal to at least 3% of the length of the facade.
         (c)   All facades which face a public street shall have arcades, display windows, entry areas, or awnings at the ground floor along a minimum of 60% of their horizontal length at the ground floor.
         (d)   Building penthouses shall be incorporated into the building facade design and make use of exterior materials consistent with the facades.
      (2)   Tenant spaces. When smaller, tenant spaces are located within a structure that exceeds 25,000 square feet in gross floor area, such spaces shall meet the following requirements when located along the front facade of the building:
         (a)   Each such space may have a customer entrance which is separate from the main entrance(s) of the structure.
         (b)   The ground level facade of each such store located along the front facade shall be transparent between the height of three and eight feet above the exterior grade level for a minimum of 60% of the horizontal length of the front building facade occupied by each.
      (3)   Roofs. All roof-top equipment, such as HVAC units, shall be screened from public view on all sides by parapets, dormers or other screens. The material of all structures used to screen roof-top
equipment shall be consistent with the exterior materials used on the facade of the structure. Roofs shall also meet the following requirements:
         (a)   Flat roofs shall feature parapets concealing roof-top equipment. The parapets shall not exceed an average height equal to 15% of the height of the supporting wall, and shall not at any point exceed a height equal to 30% of the supporting wall.
         (b)   Sloped roofs shall feature a roof plane change, gable, or dormer for every 100 feet of horizontal length.
            1.   Sloped roof exterior material shall either be standing seam metal or dimensional shingles.
            2.   Sloped roofs shall include overhanging eaves which extend a minimum of three feet beyond the supporting walls.
            3.   Sloped roofs shall not be sloped less than 15 degrees nor greater than 45 degrees.
      (4)   Building materials. A minimum of three different materials shall be used for all front building exteriors. The primary front building facade materials shall consist of stone, brick, glass, ornamental metal, architectural precast (panels or detailing), or architectural metal panels. Generally smooth-faced concrete block, tilt-up concrete panels, or pre-fabricated steel panels shall not be used for the front building exterior.
      (5)   Customer entrances. All customer entrances located along the front facade, including those for smaller, tenant spaces as described above, shall be clearly defined and highly visible. The design of each entrance shall feature a combination of three or more of the following features:
         (a)   Canopies and porticos;
         (b)   Overhangs;
         (c)   Recesses or projections;
         (d)   Arcades;
         (e)   Raised, corniced parapets;
         (f)   Peaked roof forms;
         (g)   Arches;
         (h)   Outdoor patios;
         (i)   Display windows;
         (j)   Architectural details, such as tile work and moldings which are integrated into the building structure and design; or
         (k)    Fixed-in-place planters or wing walls that incorporate landscaped areas and places for sitting.
   (B)   Building orientation. The structure shall be required to face and have its main entrance located on the side of the building which faces a public street.
      (1)   In cases where such structures face more than one public street and the streets are of different classifications in the Thoroughfare Plan, the building shall face the street which is of the highest use classification. Main entrances may also be located on the corner of a building which faces two public streets.
      (2)   No loading docks, overhead service doors, or trash collection bins may be placed on, or adjacent to any facade which faces a public street.
   (C)   Additional regulations. All structures regulated by this section shall also meet the requirements of this chapter. These provisions shall apply regardless of whether or not the structure is located within or outside of the corridor overlayzoning district. All other applicable requirements of this chapter and other adopted regulations of the town shall also apply.
(Ord. 2013-02, passed 3-11-13)