General provisions.
(A) The Conservation District shall consist of open space that should be, but is not yet, protected from development that the town would like to see protected because the land is unsuitable for settlement due to topography, hydrology, vegetation or unique natural value.
(B) The preservation of land within the Conservation District may be used to exceed the permitted densities of the traditional zoning districts, by the granting of a density bonus or a transfer of development rights.
(C) Upon the dedication of land within the Conservation District, for use as density bonus, ownership of the development shall be conferred to the municipality or county receiving the development, and rezoned accordingly.
(D) The Conservation District shall consist of the aggregate of the following categories:
(1) Floodplain;
(2) Steep slopes;
(3) Open space to be acquired;
(4) Corridors to be acquired;
(5) Buffers to be acquired;
(6) Legacy woodland;
(7) Legacy farmland;
(8) Legacy viewsheds
(Ord. 2013-02, passed 3-11-13)