(A) Any person required in this chapter to register and procure a license for any dog shall apply therefore to the Clerk-Treasurer on the form supplied by the Clerk-Treasurer and shall pay the required fee as prescribed in § 92.03. Upon giving of all of the information called for by the form and upon payment of the required fee, the Clerk-Treasurer shall issue to the applicant a tag of metal or suitable substance, the style of which shall be changed every year, on which shall be stamped the license number issued for such dogs. However, no such license number shall be issued to any applicant unless and until such applicant produces sufficient documentary proof that such animal sought to be licensed has been inoculated for hydrophobia [i.e., rabies]. It shall be the duty of the Clerk-Treasurer to have in his or her possession a dog license register in which shall be set forth for each dog for which a license has been issued the following information:
(1) The number of the license issued;
(2) The name and address of the owner of the dog;
(3) A brief description of the dog, showing sex, color, breed and name;
(4) The date of the issuing of the license and date of expiration.
(B) Each license shall be valid only for the calendar year in which it is issued and shall expire on the last day of such year. Every owner shall be required to provide each dog with a collar to which the license tag must be affixed, and the owner shall see that the collar and tag are constantly worn. In case a license tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate may be issued by the Clerk-Treasurer upon satisfactory proof, under oath, of such loss or destruction and proof of the payment of the license fee for the current year, together with the payment of a fee as established by Council for such duplicate. Each license fee shall cover only one animal. License tags shall not be transferable from one dog to another and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee because of the death of the dog or other owner leaving the town before the expiration of the license period.
('80 Code, § 6.08.030) (Ord. 10-1974, passed - -74)