The quantity of water obtained from sources other than the municipal waterworks and discharged into the public sanitary sewer system may be determined by the town in such manner as the town elects, and the sewage treatment service may be billed at the appropriate rates as set out in § 51.075.
(A) In the event a lot, parcel of real estate or building, none of which are being used for residential or domestic purposes, is discharging sanitary sewage, industrial waste, water or other liquids into the town's sanitary sewage system, either directly or indirectly, and is not a user of the water supplied by the town's waterworks, and the water used thereon or therein is not measured by a water meter, then the owner or other user, at his own expense, shall install and maintain meters or any adequate and approved method of measurement acceptable to the town for the determination of the sewage discharge, and the rates and charges provided in this chapter shall be applicable thereto.
(B) In the event a lot, parcel of real estate or building, none of which are being used for residential or domestic purposes, is discharging sewage, industrial waste, water or other liquids into the town's sanitary sewage system, either directly or indirectly, and is a user of water supplied by the town's waterworks, and in addition uses water from another source, one or both sources not being measured by a water meter, then the owner or other user, at his own expense, shall install and maintain water meters or any adequate and approved method of measurement acceptable to the town for the determination of the sewage discharge, and the rates and charges provided in this chapter shall be applicable thereto.
(C) Credit - evaporation.
(1) A lot, parcel of real estate or building which discharges cooling tower or boiler wastewater into the town’s sanitary sewage system, either directly or indirectly, and that:
(a) Uses water in excess of 100,000 gallons every month; and
(b) Shows to the satisfaction of the town that a portion of the water used each month, as measured and monitored by a metering system approved by the Director of Public Works, does not and cannot enter the sanitary sewage system; then the owner or other interested party shall install and maintain meters, weirs, volumetric measuring devices or other adequate and approved methods of measurement and reporting acceptable to the town for the determination of the actual monthly sewage discharge that will be applicable to the rates and charges provided in this chapter.
(2) To qualify and continue to qualify for any monthly credit under this section, each owner applying for or receiving such a credit shall:
(a) Have each meter and device examined and certified for accuracy, at least once each calendar year, by an independent examiner;
(b) File a written certification by the examiner of the accuracy of each meter and device, in a form approved by the town, with the Clerk-Treasurer and Director of Public Works within ten days of each examination; and
(c) Shall permit the Director of Public Works or his/her designee to monitor and inspect all meters and devices to verify their proper operation and accuracy and pay all costs incurred by the town for the inspection verification and monitoring of all such meters and devices.
(D) In the event two or more residential lots, parcels of real estate or buildings discharging sanitary sewage, water or other liquids into the town's sanitary sewage system, either directly or indirectly, are users of water, and the quantity of water is measured by a single water meter, then, in each such case, for billing purposes, the quantity of water used shall be averaged to each user and the minimum charge and the sewage rates and charges shall apply to each of the number of residential lots, parcels of real estate or buildings served through the single water meter.
(E) In the event two or more dwelling units such as trailers, apartments or housekeeping rooms discharging sanitary sewage, water or other liquids into the town's sanitary sewage system, either directly or indirectly, are users of water and the quantity of water is measured by a single water meter, then, in such case, billing shall be for a single service in the manner set out elsewhere in this chapter, except that the minimum charge shall be equal to the product of the number of dwelling units times the minimum charge for a 3/4 meter size water connection. In the case of trailer parks, the number of dwelling units shall be computed and interpreted as the average number of trailers located and installed in the park in the preceding quarter, plus any other dwelling units served through the meter. A dwelling unit shall be interpreted as a room or rooms or other living space or spaces in which cooking facilities are provided.
('80 Code, § 13.40.020) (Am. Ord. 2006-13, passed 7-24-06; Am. Ord. 2009-08, passed 6-8-09) Penalty, see § 51.999
(A) In order that the rates and charges may be justly an equitably adjusted to the service rendered, the town shall base its charges not only on volume, but also on the strength and character of the sewage and waste which it is required to treat and dispose of. The town shall require the customer, at the customer's expense, to measure and determine the strength and content of all sewage and waste discharged, either directly or indirectly, into the town's sanitary sewer system or sewage treatment works in such manner and by such method as may be deemed practical in the light of the conditions and attending circumstances of the case, in order to determine the proper charge. Any and all commercial and industrial installations shall be so controlled and/or treated as to the sewage strength that their effluent discharged to the town's sewer system shall have a biochemical oxygen demand not to exceed 250 parts per million and suspended solids not to exceed 250 parts per million at any time.
In case the town permits any user to discharge industrial waste into the town's sewer system in excess of the foregoing strength, additional rates shall be imposed as follows:
(1) For five-day BOD in excess of two and one-tenth pounds for each 1,000 gallons of sewage and wastes, an additional charge of $0.07 shall be made for each pound.
(2) For suspended solids in excess of two and one-tenth pounds for each 1,000 gallons of sewage and wastes, an additional charge of $0.07 shall be made for each pound.
(B) The town shall prohibit the dumping of industrial wastes which, in its discretion, affect and are deemed harmful to the operation of the sewage treatment works of the town, or may require methods of pretreatment of wastes to reduce the characteristics of the waste satisfactory to the town.
('80 Code, § 13.40.030) Penalty, see § 51.999
Fee schedule, see § 11.053