§ 37.102 PROCEDURE.
   (A)   Department employees will be evaluated by their immediate supervisor, and such evaluation will be reviewed by the Town Manager. A superintendent will be evaluated by the Town Manager, and such evaluation will be reviewed by the Town Councilmember assigned to that superintendent's department. The utility-clerical employees will be evaluated by the Clerk-Treasurer, and reviewed by the Council. The Town Manager will be evaluated by the Council President, and his or her evaluation will be reviewed by the entire Council.
Employee Being         Reviewing
Evaluated            Evaluator      Officer
Employees            Superintendent    Town Manager
Superintendents         Town Manager    Councilmember assigned to Department
Employees            Clerk-Treasurer    Council
Town Manager         Council President    Council
   (B)   In all cases employees will be notified as to the result of the evaluation. Such notification will be in writing, and each employee will be required to sign his or her evaluation notice. A signature on this notice in no way indicates the employee's acceptance of the content, but merely that the employee has seen the evaluation results.
('80 Code, § 2.02.050 C.)