(A) Any employee obligated to use his or her own motor vehicle while on official town business or on an approved educational, testing or training leave shall be reimbursed for such usage at the rate per mile established by the Internal Revenue Service as the same may be amended from time to time. Mileage vouchers must be submitted on at least a quarterly basis to the Clerk-Treasurer for approval and subsequent payment. Any employee obligated to travel outside the corporate boundaries on official town business or on an approved educational, testing or training leave shall be reimbursed, with the prior approval of the employee's ultimate supervisor, for actual expenses incurred, including meals, in addition to mileage as described above, subject to the following limitations:
(1) Less than full travel day:
(a) Breakfast, $13;
(b) Lunch, $20;
(c) Dinner, $25.
(B) An employee shall be reimbursed for his or her actual expenses incurred for lodging only if the employee is obligated to travel more than 50 miles outside the corporate boundaries on town business or on an approved educational, testing or training leave. Expense sheets shall be itemized, supported by receipts, and submitted to the Clerk-Treasurer for approval and subsequent payment, with the exception of expense sheets for the Clerk-Treasurer and Town Manager, which shall be submitted to the Council for approval, and for the Police Chief, which shall be submitted to the Board of Police Commissioners for approval.
('80 Code, § 2.02.040 A.) (Am. Ord. 1989-16, passed 8-14-8; Am. Ord. 1999-21, passed 12-29-99; Am. Ord. 2008-10, passed 5-12-08; Am. Ord. 2018-31, passed 12- - 18)
Fee schedule, see § 11.005
The Town Council shall have complete discretion in determining whether or not to provide uniforms or a uniform allowance to town employees. The Council shall have the authority to change the policy on uniforms from time to time as it may determine to be in the best interest of the town and the policy may be different as applied to specific departments within the town.
('80 Code, § 2.02.040 B.)