There shall be a three step procedure for violations of this chapter. These steps are as follows:
   (A)   The Planning Director shall issue a notice of violation to the person(s) who has committed, in whole or in part, a violation. The notice of violation is a warning to the violator(s) that a violation has been determined and that it must be corrected within 15 days of the mailing date or posting of notice.
   (B)   The Planning Director shall issue a notice of fines and penalties to the person(s) who have committed, in whole or in part, a violation. The notice of fines and penalties is a citation that states the fines and penalties for the violation. The person(s) in violation will have 15 days to pay said fines and/or comply with the penalties. The person(s) in violation must correct the violation within 15 days or face additional notices of fines and penalties.
   (C)   If the person(s) in violation refuses to pay or comply with the penalties, or correct the violation, after notice has been given, the Plan Commission or Town Council may pursue court action through a court of jurisdiction. Fines and liens against the property may also be pursued until the matter is resolved.
(Ord. 2013-02, passed 3-11-03)