§ 33.41  MEETINGS.
   (A)   The Committee shall hold regular meetings each month of the year. The City Manager, the Chairperson or the Vice-Chair may call special or emergency meetings, provided that notice is given to all members, the press and other persons in accordance with the Open Meetings Law.
   (B)   A quorum for the Committee shall consist of the number of members equal to a majority of the non-vacant seats on the Committee.
   (C)   All official actions of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be taken by majority vote, a quorum being present.
   (D)   Minutes shall be kept of all Committee meetings and a copy thereof shall be made available to City Hall within 15 days after the date of the meeting for which the minutes are finished.
   (E)   Attendance shall be kept at all held meetings. Any member missing more than two successive meetings automatically loses their status as a Committee member until reappointed or replaced by the City Council.
(Ord. passed - - )