(A)   There shall be a Parks and Recreation Committee which shall consist of seven members of which five shall be voting members and two shall be alternates each appointed to three year terms. Three members’ terms expire each year, so that the staggered terms provide for continuity of leadership and experience while allowing for new members with fresh ideas. Terms shall run from January 1 in the year appointed to December 31 of the expiration year. All members shall be current residents of Lowell or City of Lowell business owners and will apply to the City Council. Any member seeking reappointment must submit an updated application that addresses the willingness to serve an additional term. The Parks and Recreation Director, or a designee appointed by the City Manager, will serve as City Staff Liaison, and one member of the City Council will be appointed annually to serve as Committee Liaison to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. If a Committee member resigns during their term, the alternate with the longest service will finish out the term of that member and a new alternate will be appointed by the City Council to finish out the alternate position’s term.
   (B)   Committee members shall serve without monetary compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred in the performance of official duties relating to professional meetings, conferences, and workshops, with such reimbursement made to the same extent as according to the policies applicable to city employees.
(Ord. passed - - )