As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
   AMPHITHEATER DOCKS means the boat docks located east of the restaurant plinth, extending 475 feet upstream.
   BOAT means a water-surface vessel of any size, whether powered by motor, sails, oars, or other means.
   CITY WHARF means the structure adjacent to the Ohio River for the mooring and berthing of boats located east and west of the Second Street Bridge.
   HARBOR means the harbor located east of, and adjacent to the Great Lawn in Waterfront Park.
   NAVIGATION CHANNEL means the area of the Ohio River between the Second Street Bridge and the Kennedy Bridge (I-65 Bridge) which is used for commercial navigation and which is marked by red buoys on its southern boundary, green buoys on its northern boundary, and green lights affixed to the center of the bridge spans of the Clark and Kennedy bridges.
   WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION means the agency of the Metro Government and the Commonwealth of Kentucky established by an interlocal cooperation agreement between the above-named governmental units, and having jurisdiction and supervision over Waterfront Park and the City Wharf.
   WATERFRONT PARK means the park located in Louisville Metro north of River Road between the Second Street Bridge, and a line 200 feet east of the extended center line of Adams Street.
(1994 Jeff. Code, § 97B.01) (Jeff. Ord. 8-2000, adopted and effective 3-28-2000; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 70-2005, approved 6-1-2005)