(A)   (1)   General prohibition. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, keep, or maintain on any sidewalk, street, alley, or public way, any wood, coal, lime, sand, brick, stone, lumber, or anything whatever, except as herein provided.
      (2)   Removal of materials. Any person engaged in doing or causing to be done any construction or demolition work which results in bricks, stone, dirt, sand, gravel, vessels, or other litter or matter to be placed or to fall on any street, alley, sidewalk, or public way of Louisville Metro, shall remove these materials, together with all litter or other substances or refuse remaining after the work is completed within three days after the completion of the work. The owner of any building or structure of any kind destroyed in whole or in part by fire, windstorm, or other involuntary cause shall, within six days after the event causing the destruction, remove or cause to be removed all debris resulting therefrom lying on any street, alley, sidewalk, or public way of Louisville Metro.
      (3)   Dumping or spilling debris on streets. No person shall dump, rake, sweep, blow, shovel, spill, deposit, or track any foreign matter onto any public way, as defined by this Chapter, within Louisville Metro. For the purposes of this Section, foreign matter shall include, but not be limited to bricks, stones, dirt, sand, gravel, leaves or other litter. Any person who violates this provision shall be liable to Metro Government for the cost of moving such foreign matter from the public way of Louisville Metro. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any person who has complied with the provisions of subsection (A)(2) above.
      (4)   Disintegrating substances on streets. No person shall place or cause to be placed any lime, mortar, or any disintegrating substance on any asphalt street within Louisville Metro so that it will come in contact with the asphalt surface thereof.
      (5)   Heavy substances on pavements. No person shall place or cause to be placed on an asphalt pavement in Louisville Metro, heavy rocks, timber, metals, or other heavy substances by which the surface of the pavement may be defaced or injured.
      (6)   Injurious matter on streets. It shall be unlawful for any person to leave, throw, or deposit on any street any glass bottles, glass, nails, tacks, hoops, wires, cans, or any other substances likely to injure any person, animal, or vehicle.
   (B)   Violations of subsection (A) of this section involving matter in an amount less than or equal to the capacity of a standard 20-gallon container shall constitute littering; violations involving substances in greater amounts shall constitute dumping.
   (C)   No provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to waive any requirement imposed by the Department of Public Works Utility Policy, with regard to the operations of a public utility on a street or in the right-of-way.
(1999 Lou. Code, § 94.02) (Lou. Ord. No. 28-1961, approved 1-25-1961; Lou. Am. Ord. No. 334-1986, approved 11-5-1986; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 195-2005, approved 11-16-2005; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 99-2024, approved 6-27-2024) Penalty, see § 97.999