(A)   The owner of a dwelling shall be responsible for supplying and installing in an operable condition, the required alarms and for providing the manufacturer’s maintenance and testing instructions to the tenant.
   (B)   The owner of a dwelling shall be responsible for maintenance and testing of alarms, in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, which are located in common areas and/or alarms in rooming units where the tenant usually has periods of occupancy, (less than 30 continuous days, such as, hotels, motels, tourist homes).
   (C)   The tenant shall be responsible for maintaining and testing the alarms, in accordance with the manufacturer’ instructions, which are within his or her exclusive control during the life of the tenancy. The tenant shall be responsible for notifying the owner in writing when alarms become inoperable, and the owner shall have ten days after receipt of such written notice in which to replace or repair the alarms in an operable condition.
   (D)   At every change of tenancy in all multi-family residential units and dormitories, it shall be the duty of the owner to test and ascertain that those alarms contained in the unit are in operable condition, and if not, the owner shall be responsible for placing them in operable condition.
   (E)   In all hotels, motels, rooming houses or tourist homes it shall be the duty of the owner to test such alarms on a regular basis in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, and the owner shall be responsible for maintaining such units in an operable condition. A log of smoke alarm inspections and findings shall be maintained by the owner, and shall be made available to fire inspectors upon request.
   (F)   It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to install at least smoke alarms powered by a hardwire AC primary power source or a self-monitored, non-removal ten year lithium battery before transfer of the property to a new party. A signed affidavit of the property owner, given to purchaser, seller, and real estate agent before transfer will suffice in meeting this requirement.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 69-2003, approved 4-16-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 162-2023, approved 11-28-2023)