(A) The Office of Internal Audit shall have authority to conduct audits of all departments, offices, boards, activities and agencies of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government in order to independently and objectively determine whether:
(1) Risk management, control, and governance processes are effective;
(2) Activities and programs being implemented have been authorized by government charter or ordinance, state law or applicable federal law or regulations;
(3) Activities and programs are being conducted to accomplish the objectives intended by government charter or ordinance, state law or applicable federal law or regulations;
(4) Activities or programs efficiently and effectively serve the purpose intended by government charter, ordinance, state law or applicable federal law or regulations;
(5) Activities and programs are being conducted and funds expended in compliance with applicable laws;
(6) Revenues are being properly collected, deposited and accounted for;
(7) Resources, including funds, property and personnel, are adequately safeguarded, controlled and used in an effective and efficient manner;
(8) Financial and other reports are being provided that disclose fairly and fully all information that is required by law, that is necessary to ascertain the nature and scope of programs and activities and that is necessary to establish a proper basis for evaluating the programs and activities;
(9) Adequate operating and administrative procedures and practices, systems, and/or internal control systems have been established by management;
(10) There are indications of fraud, abuse or illegal acts which need further investigation.
(B) To perform such other audit-related functions as determined necessary by the Chief Audit Executive, the Mayor, or the Council.
(C) The Office of Internal Audit shall conduct work in accordance with government auditing standards promulgated by the Comptroller General of the United States (General Accounting Office) and with the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing promulgated by the Institute of Internal Auditors.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 45-2003, approved 3-17-2003)