(A)   Control. Upon the finding of a lead-based hazard following any inspection conducted pursuant to this chapter, the owner shall ensure the completion of lead-hazard control and submit a Lead-Hazard Control Report within a time period set forth by the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness, not to exceed 60 days unless for good cause shown.
   (B)   Lead-hazard control work. All lead-hazard control shall be performed in accordance with applicable state and federal law and must comply with the following provisions:
      (1)   No person shall disturb or remove lead-based paint or in any other way generate excessive dust or debris during work on the interior or exterior of any existing building or structure except in accordance with the requirements of applicable Kentucky state law and the Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (40 CFR 745 et seq.).
      (2)   Any home improvement contractor, property management firm, handyman or other person compensated for renovation work that involves window replacement or that disturbs more than six square feet of interior, and/or more than 20 square feet of exterior paint or surface coating, must possess an EPA RRP certification.
      (3)   The remediation of lead-based hazards shall be accomplished by the owner in a manner which will not endanger the health and wellbeing of current or future occupants, and shall result in the safe removal from the premises, and the safe disposal of lead containing materials, debris, and other potentially harmful materials.
   (C)   Lead-Hazard Control Report. Upon the completion of a Lead Hazard Evaluation and if necessary lead-hazard control, the owner shall submit a Lead-Hazard Control Report to the Department, providing all necessary information and detailing the status of remaining potential future lead-hazards at the property and any necessary future surveillance and remediation of such hazards, to the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness and to any current or future tenants.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 183-2022, approved 12-7-2022)